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Marion Burchell
Jan 21, 20242 min read
How do you balance work-life integration, and what strategies have helped you maintain your success in both areas?
Balancing work-life integration is an on-going challenge for me. In the past, work has been my dominant focus, even at the expense of my...
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Marion Burchell
Jul 15, 20221 min read
Living your best life?
“There is more than one sort of prison, Captain," Chirrut said. "I sense that you carry yours wherever you go.” - Rogue One: A Star Wars...
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Marion Burchell
Jun 22, 20221 min read
Reset on Rotto
Covid has been described as the great reset. Part of that reset includes a post pandemic resurgence of job hoping. More people are moving...
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Marion Burchell
Jan 11, 20221 min read
Leading a more consequential life
The tradition of having a new year’s resolution seems more appropriate than ever. Our world is in a state of change, and we are dealing...
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